Clandestine Drug Labs
(The real “BREAKING BAD” as told by an officer who looks for Walter White)
RCMP Sergeant Rick Goldstein
DATE: Wednesday, April 30th, 2014
TIME: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: University of Alberta – Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science (CCIS)
ROOM: CCIS L1–140 (Lower Level)
All welcome to attend!
Sergeant Goldstein, of the RCMP Clandestine Lab Enforcement and Response Team will present his experiences regarding both large- and smallscale illicit drug production in Alberta. The presentation will explore a broad range of chemical and drug related issues including the types of laboratory and classroom instrumentation, glassware, and starting materials commonly sought by organized (and dis-organized) criminal groups.The talk will address the serious hazards of common drug production not only to the potential producer or “cook”, but also to others who may inadvertently encounter such chemical production. The dangers to civilians and neighborhoods from the products, by-products, solvents, and toxic gaseous emissions will be covered. Also included in the talk will be the general biological effects of the most popular street accessible compounds and specifically how these drugs are designed to cause addiction in the human brain. The presentation is aimed at a wide audience of laboratory managers, health and safety officials, students, researchers and primary investigators.
For more info please contact Dr. Ryan McKay: